Nitrate Sampling Results

Nitrates can occur naturally in groundwater and do not generally cause harm. High levels of nitrates can be harmful and are signs of contamination from septic systems, fertilizers and run off of land use. Because of this concern, EPA/DEP regulations require water suppliers to monitor yearly for nitrates. Those results are published each year in the District;s Annual Water Quality Report (formally known as the Consumer Confidence Report). 

EPA/MA DEP Max Contaminent Level = 10 mg/l 

EPA has established a maximum limit of 10 mg/l in drinking water because higher levels are a dangerous health concern for infants, pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly.

MA DEP Max Contaminent Goal = 5 mg/l 

MA DEP has established 5 mg/l as a goal which indicates water quality degradation and monitoring should being to guard against reaching dangerous levels.